5-Day Women’s Wellness Reset Retreat In Paros, Greece 21-25 March & 1-5 May



Virtual Yoga Teacher Training Course

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.
It will not lead you astray.”

Yoga Alliance International Certification

Virtual Self Paced 200-Hr YTTC

  Integral  Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga

 Transformational Yoga Teacher Training

Senior Yoga Trainer Irana Ji An Fourouli

Virtual 100-Hr Integral Transformational Training

 Personal Transformation Course

Self Paced Transformational Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga

Chakra Yoga Sequencing

Virtual Anapnoe Yoga Living Sadhana

Live Weekly Broadcast Sessions

108 Classes Media Library & Living Clarity Insights

Weekly Zoom Meetings with Irana Ji An Fourouli

Virtual 21-Day Living Clarity Purification

21-Yoga Purification

This 21-Day Program will help you generate Vitality & Clarity as you embody new ways of living that will bring you lasting balance, strength, health and higher levels of perception and productivity.

Virtual 8-Week Women Yoga Mandala

Empowering Women To Transform Their Life

A Journey Towards Clarity, Emotional Balance & Physical Vibrancy

8-Weeks | 108 Classes | Weekly Personal Coaching | Guided Journal Writing

3 Weekly Live Classes

Virtual Breath Journey Course

A Journey To Inner Stillness Through Breathing Techniques

Simple Hatha Yoga Practices & Pranayama For Beginners & Beyond

Virtual 7-Day Grounding Chakra Flow

Chakra Vinyasa Yoga Empowerment Course

Gain Physical Strength and Emotional Stability in One-Week

Intermediate Level & Beyond


Yoga & Conscious Life Personal Coaching

www.anpnoeyoga.com-teacher training hatha vinyasa-Paros-Greece-
Register for your free ticket!

26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
8-9pm EST