The freedom of the body
There is a way of doing Asana without the slightest effort. Movement and alignment are like an expressive song that arises from the body. The freedom from tension in the upper body (the head, neck, arms, shoulders, and torso) that is produced by the acceptance and release into gravity through the lower part of the body: through grounding (legs, hips, knees, and feet) is the origin of lightness and presence. This expressive freedom is , like the waves to the ocean.
Yoga is not a restrictive alignment or control of the body. Yoga must bring freedom to the body-mind. Not the freedom of indulging but the freedom that comes from the internal balance of clear intention, right order, and listening with precise and lucid perception to what our body-mind needs at the moment. If we are sensitive to its requests, without forcing anything, it will respond spontaneously, finding its inner energetic alignment in an effortless, unexpected way. This freedom of the body is a state of love. There is no freedom without love.-Irana JiAn Yoga
Anapnoe Yoga® is a slow, gentle, yet deeply grounding & strengthening Yoga practice that develops awareness through the body-mind while encouraging the fluidity of the spine. Through deep long breathing, we explore the divine wisdom of natural movement that lies within. Movement & breath awareness liberates one’s body-mind from deep-rooted imprints.
Within Anatomical Alignment in Traditional Asana Practice, we learn to explore our innate body wisdom and path to freedom from conditioning. In this experiential approach, Anapnoe Yoga®Awareness through the body- incorporates a Mandala of Practices: Traditional Hatha Yoga & Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga & Yin-Rasa Yoga, Transformational Yoga, Therapeutics & other scientific – ancient & modern developments & modalities.
In Anapnoe Yoga practice, we become more receptive, and we find our body’s natural rhythm & expression. Movement unfolds from our core – to awaken the energy of the sun at the navel center and expand outwards in all directions. It is an Integral practice that cultivates presence through embodiment.
Sessions are rejuvenating and balancing practices (solar-lunar). The emphasis of the class is on fluidity through the breath and awareness through the senses-body. In every class, we move creatively through all groups of Asana, creating full body transformation, circulation, centering & expansion. Chakra work, Pranayama, Mantra, Mudras, Yoga Nidra, Meditation & Mindfulness, are integrated into the practice.
The teaching of AnapnoeYoga® is based upon the ancient Hatha Yogic texts, which states that all fixed forms should be practiced with the aim of developing free organic movement -unfolding from within- as a necessary step in the cultivation of longevity.
The set forms and sequencing of Anapnoe Yoga –Vinyasa Krama-contain within them all groups of asana ( body positions) and movements (Standing, Pumping, Sitting, Weighing, Lying, and Bending- in all directions-(Inverting, Spiraling, Turning, and Twisting) for the proper development and fluidity of the spine. All these, combined with suitable rhythmic breathing, bring about the unfolding of inner strength, harmony, and awareness of the Self.
In Chakra Vinyasa, we begin with awareness through the body-mind because it’s important to start with the foundation where we understand not only how to build the yoga pose from the ground up but to release tension. We learn to connect with our breath, observe our body-ming and understand the impact our thoughts have on our health, wellness, and life. Anapnoe Yoga is a yoga of awakening, an invitation to wake up, to release the tension, to move into vulnerability. To let go.
My intention is that by practicing yoga, being committed to these mindful practices, and doing the deep work that’s necessary for ourselves, we may develop the empathy necessary to be more loving, more truthful, and more integrated human beings, to surrender to the Divine within and recognize it within all living beings. And if we are open to expanding our perspective and understanding in a way, perhaps we hadn’t been able to realize it before.
Wherever you are at, the invitation is just to simply breathe and be present with your experience, to open into something else, into something new. Then this practice will allow you to step into the next aspect of your own exploration.
Anapnoe Yoga is a yoga-inspired lifestyle for modern, active women and men. We are committed to supporting and inspiring you to Live passionate, authentic lives, loving who we are inside and out. To live your lives beyond: Soulfully.
I wish you joy. I wish you consciousness. I wish you the truth. And I wish you love.
Irana Ji An,
Anapnoe Yoga Chakra Vinyasa® Advanced Teacher Further Training is for teachers who have a 200hs Certification and want to deepen their knowledge in Vinyasa Krama Yoga with a 100-Hr accreditation towards 300-Hr Vinyasa Certification and Vinyasa Krama lovers. Advanced Vinyasa Krama & Asana, Sequencing, Chakra Advanced, Bioenergetics in Transitioning. Kriya, Mantra, Mudra are all integrated into this training retreat.