5-Day Women’s Wellness Reset Retreat In Paros, Greece 21-25 March & 1-5 May



mindfulness Tag

dance with life

Find your Rhythm and Dance with Life!

Do you miss feeling vibrantly alive? Today I have the great joy to share the one thing you need to discover in order to re-generate vibrant energy within all the while being immersed in a sense of pure calm so that you can live in a state of flow and create your life with ease, grace, joy, connectedness. I always say that when I am vibrantly alive, I feel as though I am dancing with life! I can smell the roses and feel deeply enchanted with the journey as it unfolds...

How to Develop Self-Reliance to Better Navigate through Life

What is resilience, why is it so important, and how do you know if you’re resilient enough? Resilience refers to the process and outcome of gracefully navigating and evolving through every life experience, with integrity, especially through whatever needs to be done at any given moment and, through challenging life experiences without getting broken. It’s having the mental, emotional, and behavioural flexibility and the ability to adjust to both internal and external demands with whatever life brings forth for you. It’s your ability to withstand adversity and bounce back and grow despite life’s downturns, to turn every challenge into a possibility for growth. To flow with life no matter what comes your way. Being resilient requires a skill set that you can grow over time and an internal...

Breath Awareness

Essentials: Breath Awareness as a Healing Tool

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Breathing is, unfortunately, an ongoing unconscious process for most human beings, by which we take oxygen and vital energy into our body, yet the most important process in our existence: Life starts with an inhale and ends with an exhale. Without breath, there is no life, and still, we take it for granted. Are you aware of this process fully? Do you know the importance of proper breathing? Try to concentrate on this action only – taking a deep breath in and letting it out while solely observing the inflow and outflow of your breath. You will feel much more than just breathing. You will feel your body and everything that is in contact with it. That is how you come to the phase of...

Look Within Yourself

Look Within Yourself

Look within yourself for the answers you need. For the truth, you are seeking. Ignore your mind to look within, choose to stay silent so you can listen. what does that mean, to look within me? to stop yourself down from compulsively moving and thinking and doing, which sets you in restlessness mode and anxiety. pause. rest. listen. feel. what are you longing for? looking for? Love, answers, ideas, inspiration, mentors? We have all that within ourselves and we go through life just ignoring it, trying to find it elsewhere. It only takes to stop. "There is a fountain inside of you, Don't walk around with an empty bucket. -Rumy" Wake up. Slow down. Be still. All the answers like: why anything is not working in your life, why your stomach got upset, why you...

Yoga practice

Gaze into the heart of your practice: Drishti

Advance your Yoga practice by incorporating Drishti There are nine Drishti, or gazes, in the Ashtanga yoga tradition. Each one corresponds to a specific point of focus. By incorporating the Drishti into your yoga practice, you will deepen your awareness and connection with the Divine. Drishti is a Sanskrit word that means 'gaze' and is closely connected to Dharana and Dhyana, the 6th and 7th limbs of The Eight Limbs Yoga. In Dharana, we work with cultivating a single point of concentration in preparation for meditation (Dhyana). In yoga practice, Drishti, or placing our gaze into a specific point, helps us physically to find balance and stability. Mentally helps us focus and steady the mind and turn our awareness inwards towards the internal movements while finding the external...

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Register for your free ticket!

26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
8-9pm EST