5-Day Women’s Wellness Reset Retreat In Paros, Greece 21-25 March & 1-5 May



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Vibrant beyond perimenopause Naturally

Embracing the Seasons of a Woman’s Life: Vibrant Beyond Perimenopause Naturally

As women, we are gifted with bodies that are powerhouses, much like the Earth itself. Our bodies go through seasons, just as the Earth does, and these seasons bring about changes that are natural and beautiful. By becoming aware of this ever-evolving dance, we can truly feel the flow of life and embrace the wisdom that our bodies hold and feel Vibrant Beyond Perimenopause Naturally. In this blog post, we will explore the different seasons of a woman's body and the messages it brings: It is constantly talking to us: giving us signs (symptoms) and a message (what we need to do to be in tune with ourselves & nature which means re-establishing our inner balance, our compass).   Blooming into Womanhood When our bodies begin to menstruate, it...

Rise & Shine: Discover the Magic of Early Mornings!

Why Wake Up Before Sunrise? When you wake up even 30 minutes before sunrise, it's like going to the movies before the film starts. You get ready to receive the energy of the sun and begin your day with Clarity and Vibrant Energy.   Picture your day as a movie. When you wake up after sunrise, it's like going to a movie too late, after it has already started. You can still watch the movie, but since you missed the intro, your day is far less likely to start out with vigour and a strong sense of clarity.  Since I started rising before sunrise 20+ years ago, I hardly ever get colds or sick and would never want to sleep late anymore. I rush out of bed in the...

My Career Path: The Wounded Healer and your Super Power

My career path has been anything but straightforward. I have dealt with more than one wounding experience in my life, both loss & betrayal that sapped my strength and confidence for a long time. Which made me push my feelings away and feel angry as life seemed unfair to me, and I was tempted to see myself as a victim, but that was not the truth. I see my vulnerability as the source of my courage and greatest strength, even a gift. My healing journey is an ever-expanding lesson in vulnerability and compassion for myself and others. It never ceases to upraise and amaze. By acknowledging the uncertainties, discomfort, and wounds in my life, I've healed myself. Healing this pattern has given me the opportunity to become...

A Good Night Sleep anapnoeyoga.com

A Good Night Sleep

A good night's Sleep A good night's sleep is a healthy day ahead. We underestimate how crucial sleep is for our well-being and balance. When we sleep, if we sleep in a healthy way, we regenerate and restore. While sleeping, every cell of our body gets renewed and Prana- or life energy- quietly embraces and nurtures our being. Every night we go to sleep is like closing one cycle to begin a new one. Like leaving the past behind to move on with a clean slate. Every morning we wake up like newborn babies, and if we are conscious, we have the opportunity for a new clean start. During sleep, consciousness connects to our physical body to restore us, to prepare us for living vibrantly. The truth is,...

Look Within Yourself

Live In Sync With The Sun

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When we live in Sync with the Sun, we become vibrant. What does this mean? Based on the simple logic that all life on Earth is Solar based; if you organize the vital -or solar-  energies within you and consciously align your Biorhythm (the recurring cycle in the physiology or functioning of your organism) such as the daily cycle of sleeping and waking, your life will become more organic, and your cyclic pattern of physical, emotional, and mental activity will become more and more balanced as you sustain that lifestyle. You Are what you Eat The Sun is the life source on this planet. Everything that you eat, drink and breathe is solar energy-based. If the food you choose to ingest is fresh and not dead (as meat/cadavers) and...

Realize Your Essence

Turn Within, Realize Your Essence

Conscious Living by Anapnoe Yoga® We awaken new levels of consciousness within, to reveal your essence. Training for women who are always aspiring to live fully, grow wiser and inspire. Conscious Woman Yoga™ Training is a subtle experiential process of inner and outer transformation....

www,anapnoeyoga.com Lifestyle as a path

Anapnoe Yoga Lifestyle is a Path

The Yoga Lifestyle is a path, a journey toward Self realization. It is living the truth with every breath. On and off the mat, even in sleep. Then, ‘all life is yoga. It starts with that deep aspiration of becoming whole, letting go, surrendering, wanting to under-stand the ever-repeating wheel of your own life, and finding your life purpose...


Chakrasana: beyond the physical body

Advance your Yoga practice by moving beyond the physical body Chakrasana or Urdva Dhanurasana I love this asana as it opens us to vulnerability and, ultimately, to freedom, to open up to life. It opens my heart when I feel it closed. It gives me space to love. It brings me directly into the heart space. It stimulates all 5 Prana Vayus. Chakrasana benefits the physiology and psychology of your body-mind. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel, and so we call it wheel pose: Chakrasana or Urdva Danhurasana, which means extended bow pose. As it is a deep backbend and deep heart opener, we say that it opens the heart chakra, but actually, it is an integrating pose that stimulates all these energetic vortexes called chakras equally. Chakrasana strongly engages...


Grounding: get Grounded and down to Earth

When we talk about grounding, we are saying that one has their feet on the ground; we mean that the person is in touch with reality, aware and in the present moment, with a developed common sense and not lost in space, past regrets or anxiety about the future. Being grounded means being relaxed, in touch with our truth, inherent wisdom, and knowing. Feeling good in your own skin. On the mat, grounding implies having a good foundation: having your feet relaxed, your legs strong but not tense, under-standing to rise, letting go of tension, and being able to integrate strength, steadiness, ease, focus, and presence in the practice. A person that can feel his feet on the ground and contact with the earth can be...

Yoga as lifestyle Irana JIAn Yoga

Yoga as lifestyle : living your life beyond

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Lining your life beyond means to live inspired, to live with passion, and to live essential and authentic lives. To live with integrity, to progress. It takes courage and continuous awareness to live in this way. These states are not going to happen if we just sit here and wait for our life to get better. Or if we just take care of our outward appearance. We all know that most of the time, what we see and what appearances look like is not what exactly lies beneath them. And even if we work out and practice yoga and feel strong and beautiful, without cultivating our character, it will not be a lasting beauty or a lasting state of joy. Why? Because instead of embellishing, cleaning, and cultivating...

www.anpnoeyoga.com-teacher training hatha vinyasa-Paros-Greece-
Register for your free ticket!

26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
8-9pm EST