5-Day Women’s Wellness Reset Retreat In Paros, Greece 21-25 March & 1-5 May



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3 Mistakes that Sabotage your Success

Over the last few years, I've had the pleasure to work with a lot of women and men who struggle with overwhelm and lack of vitality, which makes them feel unfulfilled. They are smart, driven, wonderful visionary people who do so many things right! And you know what I've noticed? They are all doing the same basic mistakes that are sabotaging their well-being. So today, I want to discuss these three most common mistakes in the hopes that bringing them to the light will help you recognize the limiting behaviors in your own life and offer some alternatives that might just help you feel a whole lot better! I will try to be clear and straight to the point. Mistake 1: They fail to understand that they ought to...

Breath Awareness

Essentials: Breath Awareness as a Healing Tool

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Breathing is, unfortunately, an ongoing unconscious process for most human beings, by which we take oxygen and vital energy into our body, yet the most important process in our existence: Life starts with an inhale and ends with an exhale. Without breath, there is no life, and still, we take it for granted. Are you aware of this process fully? Do you know the importance of proper breathing? Try to concentrate on this action only – taking a deep breath in and letting it out while solely observing the inflow and outflow of your breath. You will feel much more than just breathing. You will feel your body and everything that is in contact with it. That is how you come to the phase of...

21-day Yoga Cleanse & Reset

Release the winter overload and get ready for summer: Cleanse & Reset

Release the winter overload and get ready for summer: Cleanse & Reset After a long winter, Spring is finally in the air. The buds are beginning to burst forth, and the trees and flowers are starting to bloom. Sunshine is intensifying; it’s time to release the winter overload and get ready for summer. Spring gives us the opportunity and momentum to declutter not only our homes but primordially ourselves, reassess our health, and better our lifestyle with a Spring Cleanse that will reset us for the Summer.   Winter usually sees most people indulging in the cozy pleasures of alcohol, sweets, and way too much food. Even if you do have a pretty clean-living lifestyle, most of the year-round indulgences do happen during the cold dark months of...

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Register for your free ticket!

26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
8-9pm EST