Advance your Yoga practice by moving beyond the physical body
Chakrasana or Urdva Dhanurasana
I love this asana as it opens us to vulnerability and, ultimately, to freedom, to open up to life. It opens my heart when I feel it closed. It gives me space to love. It brings me directly into the heart space. It stimulates all 5 Prana Vayus. Chakrasana benefits the physiology and psychology of your body-mind.
In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel, and so we call it wheel pose: Chakrasana or Urdva Danhurasana, which means extended bow pose. As it is a deep backbend and deep heart opener, we say that it opens the heart chakra, but actually, it is an integrating pose that stimulates all these energetic vortexes called chakras equally.
Chakrasana strongly engages...