5-Day Women’s Wellness Reset Retreat In Paros, Greece 21-25 March & 1-5 May



awakening Tag

Reset Your Life Beyond Perimenopause

Most women feel like their lives and well-being slip out of their hands during the natural phase called perimenopause, which marks the transition to menopause starting in your mid-thirties and well into your fifties. During this stage of life, hormonal fluctuations can lead to a variety of symptoms ranging from hot flashes and irregular periods to sleep disturbances and changes in libido. The gradual and sometimes more sudden emotional and physical changes accompanying perimenopause can feel destabilizing. Leaving you thrown out of balance. However, if you're someone who is passionate about life and has a strong desire to live it to the fullest, you understand that there is more to experience than just being a victim of perimenopause or menopause. You know, deep down, that you can discover...

Vibrant beyond perimenopause Naturally

Embracing the Seasons of a Woman’s Life: Vibrant Beyond Perimenopause Naturally

As women, we are gifted with bodies that are powerhouses, much like the Earth itself. Our bodies go through seasons, just as the Earth does, and these seasons bring about changes that are natural and beautiful. By becoming aware of this ever-evolving dance, we can truly feel the flow of life and embrace the wisdom that our bodies hold and feel Vibrant Beyond Perimenopause Naturally. In this blog post, we will explore the different seasons of a woman's body and the messages it brings: It is constantly talking to us: giving us signs (symptoms) and a message (what we need to do to be in tune with ourselves & nature which means re-establishing our inner balance, our compass).   Blooming into Womanhood When our bodies begin to menstruate, it...

My Career Path: The Wounded Healer and your Super Power

My career path has been anything but straightforward. I have dealt with more than one wounding experience in my life, both loss & betrayal that sapped my strength and confidence for a long time. Which made me push my feelings away and feel angry as life seemed unfair to me, and I was tempted to see myself as a victim, but that was not the truth. I see my vulnerability as the source of my courage and greatest strength, even a gift. My healing journey is an ever-expanding lesson in vulnerability and compassion for myself and others. It never ceases to upraise and amaze. By acknowledging the uncertainties, discomfort, and wounds in my life, I've healed myself. Healing this pattern has given me the opportunity to become...

Breath Awareness

Essentials: Breath Awareness as a Healing Tool

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Breathing is, unfortunately, an ongoing unconscious process for most human beings, by which we take oxygen and vital energy into our body, yet the most important process in our existence: Life starts with an inhale and ends with an exhale. Without breath, there is no life, and still, we take it for granted. Are you aware of this process fully? Do you know the importance of proper breathing? Try to concentrate on this action only – taking a deep breath in and letting it out while solely observing the inflow and outflow of your breath. You will feel much more than just breathing. You will feel your body and everything that is in contact with it. That is how you come to the phase of...

Look Within Yourself

Look Within Yourself

Look within yourself for the answers you need. For the truth, you are seeking. Ignore your mind to look within, choose to stay silent so you can listen. what does that mean, to look within me? to stop yourself down from compulsively moving and thinking and doing, which sets you in restlessness mode and anxiety. pause. rest. listen. feel. what are you longing for? looking for? Love, answers, ideas, inspiration, mentors? We have all that within ourselves and we go through life just ignoring it, trying to find it elsewhere. It only takes to stop. "There is a fountain inside of you, Don't walk around with an empty bucket. -Rumy" Wake up. Slow down. Be still. All the answers like: why anything is not working in your life, why your stomach got upset, why you...

Realize Your Essence

Turn Within, Realize Your Essence

Conscious Living by Anapnoe Yoga® We awaken new levels of consciousness within, to reveal your essence. Training for women who are always aspiring to live fully, grow wiser and inspire. Conscious Woman Yoga™ Training is a subtle experiential process of inner and outer transformation....

www.anpnoeyoga.com-teacher training hatha vinyasa-Paros-Greece-
Register for your free ticket!

26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
8-9pm EST