5-Day Women’s Wellness Reset Retreat In Paros, Greece 21-25 March & 1-5 May



Look Within Yourself

Look Within Yourself

Look Within Yourself

Look within yourself
for the answers you need. For the truth, you are seeking.

Ignore your mind to look within, choose to stay silent so you can listen.

what does that mean, to look within me? to stop yourself down from compulsively moving and thinking and doing, which sets you in restlessness mode and anxiety.

pause. rest. listen. feel.

what are you longing for? looking for?
Love, answers, ideas, inspiration, mentors?
We have all that within ourselves and we go through life just ignoring it, trying to find it elsewhere. It only takes to stop.

“There is a fountain inside of you, Don’t walk around with an empty bucket. -Rumy”

Wake up. Slow down. Be still.

All the answers like: why anything is not working in your life, why your stomach got upset, why you should quit your job, why you got sick, why you are recreating situations in your life..it is all there, it all started from within you.

You see, we create our reality every moment with each choice.
So looking within ourselves is about starting the process of transforming our lives by taking responsibility for where we are. There is no other way to truly live fully.

We begin to move forward consciously. Silence is the door to looking within ourselves.
Breathe in. Practice silence for a few hours every day.

irana Fouroulis

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    26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
    8-9pm EST