5-Day Women’s Wellness Reset Retreat In Paros, Greece 21-25 March & 1-5 May




reclaim And Embody the Sublime Feminine

How to Reclaim & Embody The Sublime Feminine

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are you tired of feeling tired? If you feel there is more to you and your life than where you are and how you feel right now? Chances are you lost your sense of self on the way and now is the time to Reclaim and Embody The  Sublime Feminine. Maybe you are dealing with burn-out, struggling with the shifts of Perimenopause and Menopause, or perhaps feeling anxious about what lies ahead. If you could choose, how would you prefer to feel right now?   My Personal Story At 48, suddenly I felt lost and alone. My tale was filled with tears and despair, as I hit rock bottom and questioned how to reclaim my life,  I acknowledged my symptoms – anxiety, crying fits and sleepless nights, only to...

Vibrant beyond perimenopause Naturally

Embracing the Seasons of a Woman’s Life: Vibrant Beyond Perimenopause Naturally

As women, we are gifted with bodies that are powerhouses, much like the Earth itself. Our bodies go through seasons, just as the Earth does, and these seasons bring about changes that are natural and beautiful. By becoming aware of this ever-evolving dance, we can truly feel the flow of life and embrace the wisdom that our bodies hold and feel Vibrant Beyond Perimenopause Naturally. In this blog post, we will explore the different seasons of a woman's body and the messages it brings: It is constantly talking to us: giving us signs (symptoms) and a message (what we need to do to be in tune with ourselves & nature which means re-establishing our inner balance, our compass).   Blooming into Womanhood When our bodies begin to menstruate, it...

How to Naturally Balance Your Hormons During Perimenopause

Have you ever wondered how to balance your hormones naturally? Are you constantly experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions and energy levels?  If so, keep reading to learn how to naturally restore your hormonal balance.   Perimenopause means "around menopause" and refers to the time during which your body makes the natural transition to menopause, beginning several years before menopause. During this time, the ovaries gradually begin to produce less estrogen, marking the end of the reproductive years.   For some women, Early Stage Perimenopause can begin as early as in their 30s but most often it starts between the ages 40 to 44 with a noticeable change in menstrual flow and the length of the cycle.   Interfering with your hormones is dangerous ground and is often very unpredictable.   Instead, have you ever thought...


A time when I thought I failed in life

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [ failure ] in life. There was a time when I really thought I had failed; it was the only time in my life that I had that feeling of failure and carried it around in my heart for a long, long time. It was not a small failure, but something that was the most important thing in my life, and I felt I failed to sustain and make it flourish. It took me many years to forgive myself for failing. I could not forgive myself until I realized there is no such thing as failure. Failure is just a word, but the truth is, everything that happens to us, everything we go through, is just what had to happen for everything to fall into place right now:...

A Good Night Sleep anapnoeyoga.com

A Good Night Sleep

A good night's Sleep A good night's sleep is a healthy day ahead. We underestimate how crucial sleep is for our well-being and balance. When we sleep, if we sleep in a healthy way, we regenerate and restore. While sleeping, every cell of our body gets renewed and Prana- or life energy- quietly embraces and nurtures our being. Every night we go to sleep is like closing one cycle to begin a new one. Like leaving the past behind to move on with a clean slate. Every morning we wake up like newborn babies, and if we are conscious, we have the opportunity for a new clean start. During sleep, consciousness connects to our physical body to restore us, to prepare us for living vibrantly. The truth is,...

freedom of the body

The freedom of the body

There is a way of doing Asana without the slightest effort. Movement and alignment are like an expressive song that arises from the body. The freedom from tension in the upper body (the head, neck, arms, shoulders, and torso) that is produced by the acceptance and release into gravity through the lower part of the body: through grounding (legs, hips, knees, and feet) is the origin of lightness and presence. This expressive freedom is , like the waves to the ocean. Yoga is not a restrictive alignment or control of the body. Yoga must bring freedom to the body-mind. Not the freedom of indulging but the freedom that comes from the internal balance of clear intention, right order, and listening with precise and lucid perception to...


Grounding: get Grounded and down to Earth

When we talk about grounding, we are saying that one has their feet on the ground; we mean that the person is in touch with reality, aware and in the present moment, with a developed common sense and not lost in space, past regrets or anxiety about the future. Being grounded means being relaxed, in touch with our truth, inherent wisdom, and knowing. Feeling good in your own skin. On the mat, grounding implies having a good foundation: having your feet relaxed, your legs strong but not tense, under-standing to rise, letting go of tension, and being able to integrate strength, steadiness, ease, focus, and presence in the practice. A person that can feel his feet on the ground and contact with the earth can be...

Detox Yoga

Detox Yoga: Ginger & Lemon Mondays

Doing a detox is like hitting a reset button for your body. It will help to increase your energy levels, balance your hormones, improve digestion, give your adrenals a much-needed break, help break cravings and make you feel joyous all over, not to mention beautiful glowing skin and release of any overweight. Giving your body a reset once a week can create a real shift in your energy level and in your life. Just the fact that you take a step back from your regular eating habits and become conscious for one day of what you are putting inside you makes you start eating more consciously once again. The action of cleansing and purifying the body helps to release stagnation, making room for energy to flow and...

www.anpnoeyoga.com-teacher training hatha vinyasa-Paros-Greece-
Register for your free ticket!

26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
8-9pm EST