5-Day Women’s Wellness Reset Retreat In Paros, Greece 21-25 March & 1-5 May




Transform your Life, One Breath at a Time

Transform your Life, One Breath at a Time

I strongly believe that to practice real yoga you do not need to be flexible, you need to be willing to transcend your own limitations, to evolve. (If you are here I believe you might not see yoga as a workout!) The Power of Yoga: A Journey of Self-Transformation Talking about yoga, for me, always is parallel to talking about life, and this is the reason yoga is so powerful when it comes to self-transformation. The way we behave in this small space that is our yoga mat is exactly the way we behave in our life; when we are restless, tense, pushy, lazy, cheating, distracted, or grumpy, our practice is mirroring upon us how our life is unfolding. In my 20+ years of teaching people of all...

Energetic Alignment

What is Energetic Alignment

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What is Energetic Alignment? Let us begin this class rooting ourselves in the understanding that yoga is not about bending, twisting, and balancing but about transformation, about revealing our essential nature and freeing ourselves (liberation) from suffering: realisation= MUKTI= Union=YOGA. Sadhana is a device to create transformation, to achieve the state of Yoga or Integration. So is the practice on and off the mat. Have you ever asked yourself why none of the ancient scriptures on Yoga talks about anatomy? Or anatomical Alignment? Why Patanjali does not even mention physical alignment in the Yoga Sutras? While in the west, at the moment, what we call yoga is a physical exercise derived from yoga which is completely physically oriented and anatomy based. We focus completely on the physical, and in the name...

overthinking mind

Calm your overthinking mind

Here is the best strategy to stop overthinking & calm your mind. I woke up blissed inside out on that full moon day! The dark cloud I had all around and inside me and all that Kapha energy had dissipated. Did you know that on a full moon day, whatever state you are in, it gets enhanced? The full moon holds a mirror to us so we can see and feel where we really are emotional! I had been feeling heavy and lethargic, and my mind was scattered and super active; I could not focus, and creativity was just not flowing through! I knew, because I do cleanse my body and mind regularly, that it was time to get out of the winter comfort zone! I finished my...

21-day Yoga Cleanse & Reset

Release the winter overload and get ready for summer: Cleanse & Reset

Release the winter overload and get ready for summer: Cleanse & Reset After a long winter, Spring is finally in the air. The buds are beginning to burst forth, and the trees and flowers are starting to bloom. Sunshine is intensifying; it’s time to release the winter overload and get ready for summer. Spring gives us the opportunity and momentum to declutter not only our homes but primordially ourselves, reassess our health, and better our lifestyle with a Spring Cleanse that will reset us for the Summer.   Winter usually sees most people indulging in the cozy pleasures of alcohol, sweets, and way too much food. Even if you do have a pretty clean-living lifestyle, most of the year-round indulgences do happen during the cold dark months of...


A time when I thought I failed in life

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [ failure ] in life. There was a time when I really thought I had failed; it was the only time in my life that I had that feeling of failure and carried it around in my heart for a long, long time. It was not a small failure, but something that was the most important thing in my life, and I felt I failed to sustain and make it flourish. It took me many years to forgive myself for failing. I could not forgive myself until I realized there is no such thing as failure. Failure is just a word, but the truth is, everything that happens to us, everything we go through, is just what had to happen for everything to fall into place right now:...

A Good Night Sleep anapnoeyoga.com

A Good Night Sleep

A good night's Sleep A good night's sleep is a healthy day ahead. We underestimate how crucial sleep is for our well-being and balance. When we sleep, if we sleep in a healthy way, we regenerate and restore. While sleeping, every cell of our body gets renewed and Prana- or life energy- quietly embraces and nurtures our being. Every night we go to sleep is like closing one cycle to begin a new one. Like leaving the past behind to move on with a clean slate. Every morning we wake up like newborn babies, and if we are conscious, we have the opportunity for a new clean start. During sleep, consciousness connects to our physical body to restore us, to prepare us for living vibrantly. The truth is,...

Our Reality

Our Choices Create Our Reality

Our intentions create our experiences only when we align our choices with those intentions. Every moment is a moment of choice and an opportunity to step into our power to create consciously. To create an evolutionary choice. Many times we have an intention in our mind or heart, but our choices do not reflect what we intend to live. Either unconsciously or because we choose based on our momentary likes and dislikes, we get lost in the process of creating the reality we long for ourselves. Every moment is a moment of choice, and every single choice creates our reality and has an immediate consequence that is our life as it develops. Imagine a life-like sequence of scenes where one scene brings you to the next. Every...

Self Reliance & Yoga

Self Reliance and Yoga

What is Self -reliance? Self-reliance is to know deeply that we can make it and that we can provide for ourselves emotionally and physically. That all is going to be taken care of. To feel whole rather than trying to find external sources or beings to become whole. There is a big urge lately to feel self-reliant. Especially at these times that we are going through right now, of great uncertainty and so many shifts in all aspects of life. No one is an exception right now! Many times Self-reliance is misinterpreted as confidence. But confidence is a superficial state that relies on external factors, while self-reliance is an inside matter. Confidence usually comes from possessions, positions, or intellectual knowledge. Self-reliance comes from surrender, trust, inner connection & experiential knowing. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space...

Realize Your Essence

Turn Within, Realize Your Essence

Conscious Living by Anapnoe Yoga® We awaken new levels of consciousness within, to reveal your essence. Training for women who are always aspiring to live fully, grow wiser and inspire. Conscious Woman Yoga™ Training is a subtle experiential process of inner and outer transformation....

www.anpnoeyoga.com-teacher training hatha vinyasa-Paros-Greece-
Register for your free ticket!

26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
8-9pm EST