
dance with life

Find your Rhythm and Dance with Life!

Do you miss feeling vibrantly alive? Today I have the great joy to share the one thing you need to discover in order to re-generate vibrant energy within all the while being immersed in a sense of pure calm so that you can live in a state of flow and create your life with ease, grace, joy, connectedness. I always say that when I am vibrantly alive, I feel as though I am dancing with life! I can smell the roses and feel deeply enchanted with the journey as it unfolds...

Realize Your Essence

Turn Within, Realize Your Essence

Conscious Living by Anapnoe Yoga® We awaken new levels of consciousness within, to reveal your essence. Training for women who are always aspiring to live fully, grow wiser and inspire. Conscious Woman Yoga™ Training is a subtle experiential process of inner and outer transformation....

freedom of the body

The freedom of the body

There is a way of doing Asana without the slightest effort. Movement and alignment are like an expressive song that arises from the body. The freedom from tension in the upper body (the head, neck, arms, shoulders, and torso) that is produced by the acceptance and release into gravity through the lower part of the body: through grounding (legs, hips, knees, and feet) is the origin of lightness and presence. This expressive freedom is , like the waves to the ocean. Yoga is not a restrictive alignment or control of the body. Yoga must bring freedom to the body-mind. Not the freedom of indulging but the freedom that comes from the internal balance of clear intention, right order, and listening with precise and lucid perception to...

www, Lifestyle as a path

Anapnoe Yoga Lifestyle is a Path

The Yoga Lifestyle is a path, a journey toward Self realization. It is living the truth with every breath. On and off the mat, even in sleep. Then, ‘all life is yoga. It starts with that deep aspiration of becoming whole, letting go, surrendering, wanting to under-stand the ever-repeating wheel of your own life, and finding your life purpose...


Grounding: get Grounded and down to Earth

When we talk about grounding, we are saying that one has their feet on the ground; we mean that the person is in touch with reality, aware and in the present moment, with a developed common sense and not lost in space, past regrets or anxiety about the future. Being grounded means being relaxed, in touch with our truth, inherent wisdom, and knowing. Feeling good in your own skin. On the mat, grounding implies having a good foundation: having your feet relaxed, your legs strong but not tense, under-standing to rise, letting go of tension, and being able to integrate strength, steadiness, ease, focus, and presence in the practice. A person that can feel his feet on the ground and contact with the earth can be... training hatha vinyasa-Paros-Greece-

Body Tales: a healing movement session

The healing dance is a door to internal investigation, to connect with a movement that comes from within. The goal is to give ourselves time to connect to a movement that comes from within, not from the head or our habits. If we just allow it, our body will lead us to movement. It’s a journey of tuning to our body, to pay attention to our needs. We learn to lead ourselves, to trust the senses, enjoy the freedom and movement and thereby get the experience of healing....

Yoga Dance Wellness Holidays Greece Paros Yoga Shala

The Dance of Shiva & Shakti

In this Vinyasa Yoga and Indian Dance Workshop we will explore the Dance of Shiva and Shakti. We will encounter the qualities of Tandava (masculine,dynamic,energetic) and Lasya (female, beautiful, graceful). Tandava is the dance of Shiva as the father of the universe and Lasya, the dance of Shakti as the Great Mother of the World. These two qualities coexist and are expressed through the body and soul of the dancer.... training hatha vinyasa-Paros-Greece-
Register for your free ticket!

26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
8-9pm EST