5-Day Women’s Wellness Reset Retreat In Paros, Greece 21-25 March & 1-5 May



300 Advanced Integral Teacher Training Program

Transformational Hatha &Vinyasa Yoga

9:00 - 10:15Joint Clearing, Yoga Namaskar-
Joint Clearing, Yoga Namaskar-
Joint Clearing, Yoga Namaskar-
Joint Clearing, Yoga Namaskar-
Joint Clearing, Yoga Namaskar-
Beach Practice
Irana JiAn
10:30 - 11:40Solar Vinyasa Yoga
Hatha Yoga Flow
Surya Namaskara
Classical Hatha Yoga
Solar Vinyasa Yoga
Hatha Yoga Flow
Surya Namaskara
Classical Hatha Yoga
11:45 - 12:10Integral Meditation
Irana Jian
Yoga Nidra
Irana Jian
Irana Jian
Yoga Nidra
Irana Jian
Integral Meditation
Irana Jian

12:30 - 13:45 Theory
Irana JiAn
Irana JiAn
Irana JiAn
Irana JiAn
Irana JiAn
Sacred Circle
14:00- 17:30Silence-Rest
Study Space
Free Time
Study Space
Free Time
Study Space
Free Time
Study Space
Free Time
Study Space
Free Time
Study Space
Free Time
17:00 - 18:00Alignment
Irana Jian
Irana Jian
Irana Jian
18:00- 19:00Lunar Yoga
Irana Jian
Transformational Hatha Yoga
with Ioanna
Lunar Yoga
Irana Jian
Transformational Hatha Yoga
with Ioanna
Lunar Yoga
Irana Jian
Transformational Hatha Yoga
with Ioanna

300 Advanced Transformational Integral  Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training Syllabus

Our Transformational Yoga Teacher Training Courses (TTC) are suitable for those wishing to become teachers, existing teachers continuing professional development (CPD) or simply for your own self transformation and purification. Find your creative expression of yoga using traditional systems for modern life.

Our teacher training course has met the stringent requirements set by Yoga Alliance Professionals. Our graduates are trained to the highest standard and are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance Professionals. This course is taught by Irana Ji An who is a Yoga Alliance Professionals Senior Yoga Teacher and teaches  70% of the course and 270 contact hours.

Women Wellness coaching Integral Transformational Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training www.anapnoeyoga.com

.Teacher Training Structure

The Yoga Teachers Training Course is divided in 3 modules:Module 1: Transformational Hatha Yoga Chakra Embdyment Self purifuication intergrating Vinyasa & Yin Yoga Practices. Integral Meditation-Mantra-Mudra-Yoga Nidra. Alignment-Adjustments-Therapeutics Module 2: Transformational Hatha Yoga intergrating Vinyasa Krama & Yin Yoga Release Practices. Integral & Dynamic Meditation-Mantra-Mudra-Yoga Nidra. Alignment–Therapeutics-Teachng skills.Module 3: Chakra Vinyasa: Vinyasa Krama Advanced-Advanced asana-Karma Yoga-Hatha Yoga- Intergrating Vinyasa Krama & Yin Yoga Release Practices. Integral & Dynamic Meditation-Mantra-Mudra-Yoga Nidra-Adjustments in Vinyasa Practice-Stillness & Fluidity in movement.


Function-oriented approach to movement in asanas: awareness, stability, alignment, stretching, mobilization, daily life application.
Traditional Vinyasa system of Krishnamacharya, combining breathing and movement.Nuances of using asanas in the larger yoga path. Core asanas essential for fitness and in a therapeutic setting. Preparation and balancing. Common and useful variations.


Principles of sequencing from the traditional approach of Krishnamacharya and further developments from there. Vinyasa Krama.
Foundations of personal course planning and sequencing for different needs.

 History and Philosophy

The Yoga Sutras, Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita
The eight limbs of yoga
The main systems of yoga: Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Mantra, Yantra, Laya and Kundalini, Tantric, Hatha, Raja, Prana
The Synthesis of yoga. The Mother and Sri Aurobindo
Transformational Yoga Theory. The Chakra System

Introduction to Transformational Yoga

Apara and Para dimensions of consciousness
The seven chakras – muladhara, swadisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi, ajna, sahasrara
The four bodies or koshas – physical, emotional, mental, psychic
The relationship of the chakras and the bodies
Energy flow and the functions of the five pranas – apana, samana, maha, udyana, vyana
Impurities, effects and purification techniques for the chakras and bodies
Awakening of the spiritual body
Energy mechanics of Transformational Yoga
Difference between Transformational Yoga and other types of yoga
Introduction to meditation

Anatomy and Physiology

Essential anatomy and physiology as applied to asanas.
Practical and functional points only, without forgettable and non-relevant theory.

Physical body systems – respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous, muscular  & skeletal, endocrine
Kundalini, nadis and the nervous system
Endocrine system and the chakras
Health benefits, contraindications and therapeutic use
Exploration, alignment, modification and individual expression
Ayurveda, body types, diet and lifestyle
Teaching Methodology

Principles of demonstration and observation

Assisting, modifications, adjusting, guiding
Finding your own teaching style
Ethical guidelines for yoga teachers
Student teaching and observing
Lesson planning
Classroom safety

Practice of Transformational Yoga

Basic Transformational Yoga sequence
Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar (Sun and Moon Salutations)
4 Transformational Yoga asana sets – chakra activation, stomach, back and standing
Joint warming and cleaning practices
Observation and awareness techniques


Principles and practice of working with your breath effectively.
Using asanas to prepare for pranayama.
Important types of pranayama with hands-on practice. Transformational Yoga breathing practices

Kapalabhati (cleansing breath), Nadi Shodana (alternate nostril breathing), Bhramari (humming bee breath)
Other useful pranayama practices: Ujjayi (victorious breath), Shitali and Sitkari (cooling breath)
Importance of healthy breathing
Conscious breathing techniques
Bandhas (locks): Moola (root), Uddiyana (abdominal), Jalandhara (throat), Maha (great)


Invocation Mantra
Seed sounds for the chakras: relaxation, purification, activation
Mantras for the 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air, space
Setting intention


Meditation methods and techniques
Observation and awareness techniques
Yoga Nidra relaxation techniques
Yogic energy awakening science (Kriyas)
Dynamic meditation techniques: walking, dance, etc


Introduction to Ayurvedic doshas and prakrti.
Basic principles of Ayurvedic diet.

Teaching Skills

Anatomy applied to adjustments-Comunication Skills-Yoga Therapy- Lower back issues, prevention to injuries and therapy-Vinyasa Krama Advanced-Ayurveda basics-Sequencing -Alignment & hands on adjustments-Pregnacy and Yoga-Women and the 3 stages of life-Personal and coaching-Yantra & Mandala energetics in class- Creating sacred space-The Natural Elements in Practce-Fluidity in Vinyasa.

Advanced Asana-Chakra Vinyasa-Refining your practice-Karma Yoga-Asisting in class-Adjustment Practice-Meditation Teaching-Yoga Nidra Teaching-

Personal practice

Establishing and refining one’s personal practice is a key element of this program.

Also included in your course

Yoga Alliance International certification
Transformational Yoga training manual
Accommodation in shared room
Delicious vegetarian meals
One-to-one guidance with your lead tutor

Reading before the course

The Bhagavad Gita_Eknath Easwaran
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika_Swami Swatmarama
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali _ Swami Satchidananda
Autobiography of a Yogi _ Paramahansa Yogananda
Chakras (Energy centers of transformation) _ Harish Johari

Other Suggested Publications

Yoga Anatomy – Leslie Kaminoff
Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System – Anodea Judith, Ph.D.
Eastern Body Western Mind – Anodea Judith, Ph.D.
Bringing Yoga to Life – Donna Farhi
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika – Swami Swatmarama
Yoga Nidra – Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Meditation: The First and Last Freedom – Osho
The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle
Freedom from the Known – J Krishnamurti
Kindle Life – Swami Chinmayananda

www.anpnoeyoga.com-teacher training hatha vinyasa-Paros-Greece-
Register for your free ticket!

26th July 2023- 28th July 2023
8-9pm EST